
//All-in-One Database Security


Activity Monitoring. Access Governance. Posture Management.

Cloud Data Security and Governance Platform

Discovery & Classification

Access Control

Data Protection

Data Masking & Obfuscation

Monitoring & Reporting

Monitor and Protect Your Critical Data

Database Activity Monitoring (DAM) provides comprehensive visibility into user actions, including queries, modifications, and access attempts, ensuring compliance adherence and swift threat detection. It helps identify and mitigate potential risks, detect anomalies, and maintain the integrity of your sensitive data.

Cyral: An Integrated Approach to Cloud Data Security

Databases, data warehouses and data lakes are where the most sensitive data lives, but are typically the hardest to secure. Conventional IAM tools, for instance, long considered the cornerstone of corporate security do not provide adequate protection for data. They were built to control the usage of IT resources that are relatively finite, static and long-lived, such as a collection of SaaS applications or network connections. Data resources on the other hand are frequently ephemeral and rarely static.
Cyral provides a single platform that consolidates controls for discovery, access control, fine-grained authorization, reporting and monitoring.

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No impact to performance and availability

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Enforce policies, instead of just alerting

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Enriched user and session information

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Consistent implementation for cloud & on-prem


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